Saturday, July 18, 2009

Keynote II

Enhancing the developer productivity using RAD for websphere

--> Interesting the two main competitors give the keynotes one after the other

IBM Rational Architecture and construction
--> for solution,software and enterprise architects : Rational Data Architect,Rational Software modeler
--> for architects and designers who code in java,c++,xml --> Rational software architect Standard edition
--> Rational application developer --> for developers

IBM RAtional Applicaiton Developer for websphere

--> accelerates development
--> do even traceablity matrix
--> support for jpa and code generation

Comprehensive JEE5 tools

Unit testing is provided out of box
Visually layout JPA and EJB 3.0 classes
Convert UML to WSDL using RSA product
Provides excellent AJAX support

Enhanced support for Web 2.0
Declare POJOs and make it as REST service. Call Rest service as JSPs.
Javascript editor and debugger

JSF support
visual development of JSF pages
Data abstraction objects for easy data connectivity - SDO
Automatic code generation for data validation,formatting
Integration of third party JSF libraries

Portal development support is also excellent.

One of the very key features is to Automate performance and memory testing . This is built on top of eclipse TPTP.

Automates azpplication testing using WebSphere Application Server 6.0,6.1 and 7.0

IBMs strategy is to deliver high quality solutions by moving towards flexible architecture,automation layer,reduce onboarding

JAZZ platform : is meant for open community.

Mail id of the presenter is

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