Friday, July 17, 2009

Keynote address - Day 1

First PR on Saltmarch going on :).

Sponsors : Platinum --> Oracle,IBM and Microsoft
Gold : Actuate,Adobe etc

Key note speaker will be Ramkumar Kothandaram from Microsoft

What is microsoft doing in an eclipse conference !!!

Topic will be interoperability.


--> Microsoft's approach to interoperability
--> Open source & Microsoft platform

Need for interoperability

We have diversified client applications (firefox,ms office,Open office , IE8) and server applications (Jboss,.NEt etc..) , storage(EMC2,netapp) , multiple databases, processors(intel,ibm,sun).

Customers buy heterogeneous hardware/sofware. Painful EAI projects used to take a long time. This resulted in interoperability evolution.

Microsofts approach to Interoperatbility

--> Products : All products natively interoperability
--> Colloboration : with Partners,competitors and open source community
--> Standards : Promote interoperability through new and existing standards
--> Developer resources : msdn,codeplex etc


All products like Windows Vista,.net ,Win server 2008,office 2007 support interoperability.

Can consume and expose webservice endpoints.


Apache stonehenge : Project to test for interoperability between various vendors.

MS part of interoperability alliance. Took leadership in webservices interop.


Participates in over 150 standards bodies

Developer Perspective

PHP on Windows --> PHP FastCGI on IIS

Seems that PHP on windows scales as fast as Apache ..

Then there was introduction to Microsoft Azure which is microsofts cloud computing platform.

Eclipse tools for sliverlight (eclipse4SL) : eclipse plugin for silverlight from soyatech. Looks good to me :). Can build RIA and embed in Html.

Java API for open XML : standard for storing documents. Create a document for server side.

Links to remember

Codeplex : 80000 open source apps on MIcrosoft application.

On the whole it was a good eye opener on microsoft and its contribution to interoperability.

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